
Collection Postman


The SYNC Process has as main objective to synchronize the information from academic systems with the HUB. At the time of the first sync, users, classes, disciplines will be created, as well as the institution's ensalement within the HUB. This process can be redone whenever there are new insertions, changes and deletions.


    "x-api-key": /*APIKEY*/
  • BODY
    "doo": "2018/11/05T15:25:16.584Z", // date the event occurred (with the hours) (date of occurrence)
    "ver": "1.0.0", // protocol version
    "who": "sis.12458", // source of data
    "org_id": "b253081c016x11eab2d30672699b542a", // Key representing an organization
    "dat":[ // array with batch events
        {/** event object */},
        {/** event object */},
  • dat : all events must be dispatched within the dat object
    • actions are sent separately (insert, update, delete) as standard below
    "typ": "update", // event action identifier (insert, update and delete)
    "obj": {
        /* objects payload */
        "user": [ //array of user objects
          {/** user object */},
          {/** user object */},
          {/** user object */},
        "section": [ // array of class objects
          {/** section object */},
        "subject": [
          {/** subject object */},
        "term": [
          {/** subject object */},
        "studentparent": [ // array of responsible student relationship objects
          {/** studentparent object */},
        "sectionstudent": [ // array of student relationship objects
          {/** sectionstudent object */},
        "sectionteacher": [ // array of class teacher relationship objects
          {/** sectionteacher object */},

There are 3 main objects

  • user : object with a user's data (regardless of role)
  • section : object with class data
  • subject : object with the data of a subject
  • term : object with periods of the institution

And also the objects of links

  • studentparent : object with the bond between a student and his guardian
  • sectionstudent : object with the bond between a student and his class
  • sectionteacher : object with the link between the teacher, the class and the discipline


  • 2 user to update
  • 1 user, 1 class and 1 discipline and 2 relationships to insert
  • 1 user to delete
    "doo": "2018/11/05T15:25:16.584Z", // date the event occurred (with the hours) (date of occurrence)
    "ver": "1.0.0", // protocol version
    "who": "sis.12458", // source of data
    "org_id": "b253081c016x11eab2d30672699b542a", // Key representing an organization
    "dat":[ // array with batch events
            "typ": "update", // event action identifier (insert, update and delete)
            "obj": {
                "user": [ // array of user objects
                    {/** user object */},
                    {/** user object */}
            "typ": "insert", // event action identifier (insert, update and delete)
            "obj": {
                "user": [
                    {/** user object */}
                "section": [ 
                    {/** sectionobject */}
                "subject": [ 
                    {/** subjectobject */}
                "sectionstudent": [ 
                    {/** sectionstudent object */}
                "sectionteacher": [
                    {/** sectionteacher object */}
            "typ": "delete", // event action identifier (insert, update and delete)
            "obj": {
                "user": [
                    "code": "125054", // Mandatory and unique field. User registration (RA)
                       "roles": [ // Required field. role that will be deleted (at least 1)
                              "code": "administrador",
                              "id": 9
                              "code": "professor",
                              "id": 2
  • The payload of the objects is detailed on the pages of the objects (check the menu beside 👈)


  • Code: 200
    • Status: OK
    • Example:
    "messageId": "df1656c6-bad8-4aa9-b405-e89e81892f09" 
  • Code: 400
    • Status: Invalid Request
  • Code: 500
    • Status: Internal Error

Data Consultation

  • The update process is done asynchronously, so the return with details about the synchronized data must be requested according to the data below


URL: https://apihub.educacional.com/prod/instituicao/getLog/[messageId]

  • Environments: prod, qa, etc.
    "x-api-key": /*APIKEY*/


  • if not sent the default is:
    • limit: 25
    • offset: 0
    "limit": 25, // number of records per page
    "offset": 0  // index of the first object on the page
  • payload structure follows the same format as the object sent in the POST
    "qtdeRegistros": 6, // total records returned in the log
    "status": 4, // general status of the log
    "logs": [
            "baseItem": {
                "obj": "user",
                "sis_id": "123123",
                "mensagem": [{ // collection of messages
                    "dsc_error": "Perfil incluído com sucesso",
                    "level_Error": "w" // msg type (w=warning, i=info or e=error)
            "baseItem": {
                "obj": "user",
                "sis_id": "0",
                "mensagem": [{
                    "dsc_error": "Login duplicado ou já cadastrado no HUB",
                    "level_Error": "e"
            "baseItem": {
                "obj": "sectionstudent",
                "sis_id": "4124123423",
                "mensagem": [{
                    "dsc_error": "Vínculo cadastrado com sucesso",
                    "level_Error": "i"
  • status indication


processing without errors

processing with errors

finished with errors

finished without errors


HUB returns the object's unique identifier, but we always recommend using sys_id as a reference to objects sent

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!