All data sent to HUB.Educational is managed by the Institution and will be integrated with EdTechs only as authorized by the Institution. See the data and structures that can be integrated via HUB.Educational .


  • user: entity with the information of each user according to the roles below
    • Student
    • Responsible
    • Teacher
    • Director
    • Coordinator
    • Administrator
    • Collaborator
  • section: entity with the information of a section
    • Can represent a room or a class
    • Students can be linked to one or several classes
  • subject**:** informações sobre as disciplinas da instituição
    • They can have any name, as long as the basic discipline is indicated
      • We use the curriculum components of MEC as a basis
    • To see: data dictionary
  • term: information the school term
    • Definition of beginning and end
    • There may be several periods, but only 1 asset
    • Classes and their bonds between student and teacher are always linked to an academic term


  • matrícula : registration used and informed by the school, must be unique in the school
  • nome: user's full name
  • data de nascimento : birth date
  • cpf : User CPF, if you have
  • telefone : user's phone
  • e-mail : user e-mail (not required for students)
  • gênero : male, female or other
  • tipo do usuário : user's role in the institution


  • código : unique class code by school and term
  • nome: section name
  • nível : series that the class is associated with


  • código : unique discipline code per school
  • nome : subject name
  • disciplina base: associated base discipline


  • código : unique term code per school
  • nome : term name
  • data início: period start date
  • data fim: period end date


To create the links between the objects, there are some necessary relationships.


  • Relationship between classes and students

    • must indicate the student's enrollment and class code
    • ‼️ also inform the associated term code
  • Relationship between classes, teachers and subjects

    • must indicate the teacher's registration, the class code and the discipline code
    • ‼️ also inform the associated term code


‼️ every relationship must indicate the discipline that the teacher is associated with


  • Relationship between parents and students
    • must indicate the enrollment of the parent and the student

Data structure

Vision of how data is structured in the Sync API