- User object
"name": "Nome do user", //Required field. Name and surname
"sis_id": "123123", // Identifier used within the academic system
"code": "125054", // Mandatory and unique field. User registration (RA)
"cpf": "12312312399", // User CPF (required for all but students)
"dob": "2018/11/05T15:25:16.584Z", //Required field. Date of birth
"gender": "M", // Optional field. Genre. Accepted values: M, F and O
"email": "", // Mandatory field for all but students
"cellphone": "(41) 55555-5555", // cell phone with DDD (XX) XXXXX-XXXX
"inep": 23412341234, // User inep code (not required)
"status": "active", // Object status (active, arquived, suspended)
"roles": [ //Required field. User role at school (at least one)
"code": "administrador",
"code": "professor",
To see: data dictionary
• Role
• You can send code and ID, it is not necessary to send both.
• Login and Passwords
• Login and passwords can be sent via the platform. This option is not advisable and will be disabled over time.
• It should be used to facilitate compatibility and transition.
Responsible Student Relationship
- studentparent entity object
"student": {
"code": "125054", // class code
"parent": {
"code": "125054", // Mandatory and unique field. User registration (RA)